Changing Lives

Young Bafana is a non-profit organization (NGO) that has been dedicated to the holistic development of children and young people from poor backgrounds in South Africa since 2010 by offering a comprehensive range of soccer and educational activities.

0 Kids
0 Teams
0 YB Arena
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It is important to highlight our players here at YB who excel beyond the pitch. Hlonela Sitenge - better known as “Prof” - is just one example of our exceptional players. Outside of the pitch, Prof is known for his excellent academic marks. At 17 years old and playing for YB’s U18 squad, he is exceptional on and off of the pitch.

YB Pro enters the ABC Motsepe League

Young Bafana is excited to announce our acceptance into the renowned ABC Motsepe League for the 2022-2023 season. During the years of dreaming up YB’s growth in the Helderberg area, having one of our own professional teams has always been a goal. Finally, the day has come and we are so thankful for this opportunity to grow not only Young Bafana but the game of soccer.

YB Arena Opening

On the 23rd of April 2022 we reached the next big milestone: We officially celebrated the YB Arena Opening. It is the perfect facility for the development of our kids, in terms of soccer and education. Read more about the YB Arena Opening Event in this blog post.
YB Stars

You are looking for fun and regular child soccer training sessions in Somerset West? Then the YB Stars program is the perfect fit for you! We are always happy to welcome new players of any skill level. The money earned will be used for our NGO.

Participants of the YB Stars training session running towards the camera on a soccer pitch in South Africa.
Changing Lives - The Movie
Mission Statement

Wogegen kämpfen wir an?

Ca. 0

… Menschen in der Region um Kapstadt leben in Townshops (Armutsvierteln).

Fast 0 %

… der Erwachsenen Einwohner ist nicht erwerbstätig und erhält keine Förderung vom Staat, dennoch müssen sie für die Grundbedürfnisse Ihrer Familien aufkommen. Oft führt diese vermeintlich aussichtlose Situation zum Drogenmissbrauch und zur Kriminalität.

Jeder 0 .

… Südafrikaner zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren ist mit HIV infiziert. Es fehlt grundsätzlich an breitgefächerten Bildungsmöglichkeiten, der Begegnung mit anderen Bevölkerungsgruppen und an einer ausreichenden medizinischen Versorgung.

Was wollen wir erreichen?

Unser Ziel ist es, den Teufelskreis der Armut, durch Sport und Bildung zu durchbrechen und den kulturellen Austausch zwischen den verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen in der Helderberg Region zu fördern.
Wir begleiten unsere Spieler auf Ihrem persönlichen Lebensweg, holen sie als Kinder von der Straße und nehmen bestmöglichen Einfluss auf deren Entwicklung als Personen und Sportler.
Wir zeigen Perspektiven auf und fördern jeden Spieler individuell. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen erhöhen wir die Chancen für eine gesunde und erfolgreiche Zukunft, abseits von Armut, Kriminalität und Drogen.

Was tun wir dafür?


Scouting von talentierten Spielern und die Ausbildung von professionellen Fussballspielern.


Ein ergänzendes schulisches Bildungsangebot, Mathe- und Englisch Unterricht, erhöht die Chancen zur späteren Ausübung eines Berufes oder dem Besuch einer Universität.


Das Erlernen von notwendigen Lifeskills (sozial und pädagogisch), durch klar definierte Akademie-Regeln und ein professionelles Umfeld.


Basierend auf einem strategischen Ernährungsplan möchten wir jeden unserer Performance-Spieler zu einem gesunden körperlichen Wachstum verhelfen.

What are we fighting against?

Approx. 0

… people in the Cape Town area reside in townships.

Almost 0 %

… of the adult population are unemployed and receive no government support, however, they have to come up for the basic needs of their families. Often, this supposedly hopeless situation leads to drug abuse and crime.

Every 0 th

… South African between the age of 15 and 49 is infected with HIV. There is a lack of wide-ranging educational opportunities, encounters with other population groups and sufficient medical care.

What do we want to achieve?

Our goal is to break the vicious cycle of poverty through sport and education and to boost cultural exchanges between the different population groups in the Helderberg region.
We accompany our players on their personal life path, get them off the streets as children and effect the best possible influence on their development as persons and athletes.
We create opportunities and promote each child individually. Together with you we increase the chance for a better future, free from poverty, crime and drugs.

How do we pursue our goal?


Scouting well disciplined children who have the desire to become football players.


An educational outreach programme including Mathematics and English lessons, increases the chances of tertiary education access and career opportunities for the children.


Learning necessary life skills (social and educational), through clearly defined academy rules in a professional environment.


Based on our strategic nutrition plan we want to ensure a healthy growth for all of our players.

This is Young Bafana

We offer holistic soccer and education programs for kids (male / female) between 6 and 18 years.

Soccer Scholarship

We give talented players from underprivileged backgrounds a chance to develop both personally and professionally.

Age groups U12 / U14 / U16 / U18

The players of the HPL (High Performance League) teams consist of talented football players, most of whom come from the surrounding townships. All township players receive a
free full scholarship including playing and training equipment, food packages after each session, transportation and a complementary educational program, as well as participation in
life skills events. Periodized training sessions are held 3-4 times a week. In the High Performance League we compete against (youth) teams from the 1st and 2nd South African leagues, among others.

Education and Life Skills

On and off the soccer field, education is the central theme to give players a realistic chance for a successful future.

Age groups U12 / U14 / U16 / U18

Through qualified teachers, Young Bafana offers English tutoring for the U12 and U14 age groups. In addition, we offer a career counselling program for the players of our U16 and U18 teams. For all teams, Young Bafana offers life skill workshops at regular intervals, which are also integrated into soccer training, among other things. Ultimately, our programs have a direct and indirect impact on the socially weaker population of the Helderberg region.


Young Bafana Stars

The training for ambitious soccer players who want to improve their skills at an early age.

Age groups U9 / U11

The YB Stars program was created by our U12 head coach Jonny Chamaille (holder of the UEFA B license). The 2-3 weekly sessions focus on basic soccer techniques. For the participants, a special added value lies in the individual attention of the coaches and the small group size (max 10 players). Important basic elements of soccer are developed creatively and with a lot of fun.

Social Teams

Have fun and make new friends. Our team that welcomes everyone.

Age groups U9 / U14

2-3 times a week we offer training and game sessions for players between 5 and 14 years old after school. To promote cultural exchange, we have regular sessions or events where the school teams participate together with the performance teams. In this way, children from townships and children from better-off areas come together in the spirit of sport. The income from the social teams helps us to cover the running costs and the free offer for township players.





© 2021 Young Bafana Soccer Academy